I find myself with the impulse to make french ressources available to english speakers, so here is one that really rock’n rolled the beginning of this year: Ariane Mnouchkine’s new year wishes. Ariane Mnouchkine is one of France’s top artists. She created the Théâtre du Soleil (much more ancient than the circus of the same […]
Posts In english
Who will collect the garbage?
I got the authorization to translate in french and publish an essay by Charles Eisenstein, a researcher in « Sacred Economics » (you gotta love this) and which answers a question that is bounced back at me regularly when I describe the society towards which mankind is evolving: Who will collect the garbage?. His answers so match my […]
About cities

Here is the latest vision about the future that I hold, one which might become a project, who knows. “I heard the Round City before I saw it. The harmonies of its mathematics evidenced themselves in a soft chant or song, the music of its own particular self.(…)Everywhere around the city, the animals had gathered, […]
Kingdom of the East

I had another tap on the shoulder by the Chinese astral world today. The first one I got was when I was on the phone a few weeks ago with a really good friend who has settled in Shangai. Over the past few years we had a couple of conversations and almost each time I […]
I am starting blogging again for all those times when I repeated a story to friends and wished I could spread it to friends who live a bit further (geographically I mean). For the stories and also for the realizations or the intuitions I get. This is one of those stories which I will remember […]
New beginnings
I was talking to one of my spiritual sisters the other day and she was telling me how she had put into place a little daily ritual to contribute in her own way to the elevation of the world’s vibration. It was so simple! Just a meditation of love, to brighten even more her inner […]